Saturday, 19 January 2013

Friday 18th January 2013: A Podium Finish!

Day 12: Closing Ceremony

I think the pictures will tell the story...
Full results :

Team Bronze: GB
Dave Matthews, Tony Stephens, Gordon Rigg, Grant Crossingham, 
Kathleen Rigg, Gary Wirdnam, Carl Wallbank, Ben Philpott (Team Manager)
Team Silver: USA
Team Gold: Italy

Individual Winners Men and Women

Open Championship:
Gold: Manfred Ruhmer (Austria)
Silver: Alessandro Ploner (Italy)
Bronze: Filippo Oppici (Italy)

6th Grant Crossingham (GB)
15th Gordon Rigg (GB)
17th Gary Wirdnam (GB)
19th Carl Wallbank (GB)
44th Anthony Stephens (GB)
49th Dave Matthews (GB)
70th Kathleen Rigg (GB)

Mens Open:
Silver: Alessandro Ploner (ITA), Gold Manfred Ruhmer (AUT), Bronze: Filippo Oppici (ITA)

Grant Crossingham 6th Overall

Womens Open
Silver: Kathleen Rigg (GB), Gold: Corrina Schwiegershausen (GER), Bronze: Tove Heaney  (AUS)

With special thanks to the Organisers for a fantastic World Championships 
and to our sponsors for supporting the team (click on banners for more information):

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Thursday 17th January 2013: We blew them away!

Task 10, Day 11.


We beat the Aussies in to goal today to get Bronze Team Medal!!!!!!

Full blog to follow -  enjoy the moment!

Kath was still out flying, but of course will be included in the updated team photo from the Closing Ceremony - this picture is of the pilots who made it over the goal line! 
So its now Friday morning. Apologies for the late update but as you can imagine we decided to go out to celebrate last night, and this is why....

I hope that the results are as we anticipate because the Scorer Wes won't tell me until we get to the Closing Ceremony.

Rumours that the competition organisers were going to continue pushing the tasks to their full extent were well founded - no last day short task, instead a 214km out-and-return flight via a turn point on the return leg was called. The weather forecast for light southerlies also indicated that there would be good lift but predicted to shut down earlier than usual at around 5pm. Because of this the launch time was brought forward to midday and the first of three start gates at 1.40pm. No time to waste then.

At our post-briefing team huddle, Carl went through the instrument and waypoint check, something we did every morning to make sure everyone had their instruments properly programmed. We suddenly noticed that the Aussie team were also in a huddle, pointing out members of Team GB to each other. Being only a few points behind their Bronze position they were obviously discussing tactics to protect their position. A bit of light hearted banter followed, with Jonny Durand and Carl participating in some good natured "sledging" which ended up with Carl throwing a cup of water towards him. Unfortunately Scott Barret's instruments were in the way leading to a bit of less light hearted banter. Oops. But maybe the tension of the day was starting to creep in....

Out at the airfield we were met by the usual welcome committee. The last day of the comp is traditionally a "mufty" day with all the crew wearing fancy dress - some of the costumes brilliant, including the quad bike boys going for a "Mad Max" look.

We were the first team to arrive, apart from Kath who came out slightly later to avoid the heat. Both Gary and Carl had some maintenance to carry out on their gliders so we needed to get a move on. Noma, one of the Moyes crew, was already there to help Carl fix his VG. As the guys finished rigging I put a GoPro on Dave's glider, mounted on the upright so that he could swing it around to get a variety of shots.
Midday came around quickly, and with the blast of the hooter, the first gliders were up and away. Team GB were soon airborne, climbing underneath a beautiful looking sky. Apart, that is, from Kath who was continuing her bad run of luck on the tow. With another weak link break, she was soon down for a relight, but not before we had to carry out some emergency maintenance on her instruments. With no time to fix her non-functioning radio, she was back on the trolley and towed up successfully to join the rest of the team.

Dave climbing in a gaggle
As the day was predicted to shut down early, it was important to get a good start. All the team took the first start gate and were soon making excellent headway on the first leg to the 4Ways turnpoint some 117km to the North. Steve set off in the truck to park up at Bogan, 26km up track, to try and maintain radio contact, while I went back to HQ to look at onward travel arrangements for the team - after the Closing Ceremony on Friday we were all leaving for Sydney before either the return flight home, or in Gary and Trudy's case, to start a two week post-comp holiday. Nice work if you can get it!

Dave later in the day getting a climb

Logging in to the live tracking website, I could see that Jonny Durand had made the turn point and was heading back down South. A quick phone call to Steve told me that Grant, Carl, Gary and Gordon were right up there too, with Tony and then Kathleen just a few kilometres behind. We despertely needed to storm the course today if we were to have any chance of beating the Aussies in to third place - from what I could decipher from the radio transmissions and looking at the live trace, things weren't going to0 badly at all...

Trudy and I returned to the airfield at around 4.30pm, taking the Union Jack with us which I mounted on one of my extendable walking sticks - it would be rude not to have had a decent marker and windsock in the goal field to help our team over the line and to land safely! As I sat on the veranda sipping a cold beer (well it was the last day and I knew they were all going to make goal), my radio burst in to life.
"Gordon 10km from the last turn point. 9000 feet. 15:1 needed to make goal".
What? Already looking at the numbers for a final glide? 
"Team GB, I am now back in radio range. Please update me on your positions".
"Grant 10km from turn point. 12000 feet. Carl and Gary nearby".
"Who is with you, and what is your position relative to other teams?"
"Gordon at the front of lead gaggle with Manfred and Christian (Ciech)".
No mention of any Australians. 

Dave looking for the last climb

On the veranda more and more people were gathering, listening to their team radios. One of the Aussie support crew was talking about our positions, reporting them back to their team. After this mornings debacle, it was time for some fun and games. With Trudy sitting under the shade I called across that Gordon was on finals and coming in fast. Suddenly a Tweet appeared from Dave May, the Aussie driver,  reporting this and presumably to his team over their radio - nothing like a bit of extra pressure on the pilots to keep up!

Team GB were all taking various tracks past the last turn point, trying to find the best air to continue their approach to the goal line. Grants numbers were improving. 12:1, 11:1, 10:1, 9:1....OK, this is it, final glide time...... Gordon and Carl must surely be with him. All we needed were three team members in ahead of three Aussie pilots to potentially get the Bronze.
"Come on, guys. Keep going. No one in goal yet!". I was getting just a wee bit excited.
Rumours were flying through the goal field that Jonny had been held up in some bad air, having pushed on high and fast. With no mention of any other Aussie pilots, things were starting to get very, very, interesting....

Up near the goal line, all the competition ground crew and team support crews were gathering, trying to get a glimpse of the first gliders to come in. With Union Jack flag at the ready, I was staring North, hoping to see a British wing.

And then the cry "Glider!" Who was it? Someone mentioned Gordon. Another Grant. Perhaps Manfred? Come on......

It was Lukas Bader from Germany, followed quickly by Joerg Bajewski (GER)  and Zak Majors (USA). Still no Brits, and importantly, no Australians. Primoz, Balazs, Matjaz, Anton... still no Aussies. 

There was no mistaking the orange and black undersurface of Grants glider as he approached the line at speed. YES! Waving my flag like some mad Englishman in the midday sun, I ran over to meet him, just in time to hear Carl say he was approaching the line at height, and then Gary swooping in over the line in amongst a handful of other gilders. YES! YES! YES! Three Team GB pilots in fast. But who were the other pilots? Any Australians?  Only one, Scott Barrett.
Things like this just dont happen. After several waits in the goal field, wishing and hoping for Team GB to race in ahead, I had watched with heavy heart as our competitors pipped us on final glides. This was unreal, and the good news continued. 

Gordon arrives in goal
"Gordon over the line".
"Dave over the line". 
5 in. Where was Tony?
"Tony, I am not going to make it..."
"Keep working Tony, you can do this. Come on!"
Tony gliding in very low towards Steve
Looking across the next field, we could see Tony gliding in VERY low. As he approached 
the fence line, we could see the nose of the glider pitch up as he went through some buoyant air turning gently to stay in it for as long as possible he gained a few extra precious feet, or so we thought.Tony has subsequently told me that he got turned on the final approach... "Keep coming, keep gliding" called Grant over the radio.
"Speed up and use ground effect" I added... Holding our breath we watched as Tony pulled on, skimming over the ground with feet to spare, finally just making it over the line and landing just a few feet the other side.

YEEEEEEEESSSSSSS! What a result. But Kath, where was Kath? With no radio, we had no contact with her for the entire flight, but as we had not received any texts or phone calls, all we could do is presume she was still flying.

Surely we had made Bronze position? As we celebrated in the goal field, Jonny Durand was the second Aussie pilot in over the line. With some spectacular loops, he made an impressive landing approach and to make sure he knew the wind direction, I ran out with my flag to show him the wind direction... only trying to be helpful! As he swooped in low, he headed straight for the flag, trying to grab it as he flew by... all good fun.
Gordon's phone rang. I knew it had to be Kath. Unfortunately she had not made it past the last turn point. What a shame. But with no sign of Corinna from Germany, perhaps she had made it further - later in the evening I spoke to Corinna who had in fact flown a few kilometres further.
And that was that.
You could not have made this up. I did not believe that Hang Gliding could be so exciting for those not flying - the atmosphere in the goal field was intense! Team GB did of course go out to celebrate last night. The Closing Ceremony is in a couple of hours time and I will post one more time to include photos from the last day, and as we receive our medals....

Wednesday 16th January 2013: The bigger the better

Task 9 Day 10

Well there you go - the Worlds organisers are reading the blog - Kath was awarded the prize for most eventful tow  - if you missed it take a look at yesterdays blog.

So you think a 200km is challenging, do you? How about a 270km closed circuit flight, just to mix things up a bit?
I have to admit, I really felt for my pilots when the task was announced at briefing. From what I can understand, I think the premise of a task like this is to "sort out the men from the boys" so to speak - no offence ladies, you know what I mean. There had been comments from pilots that the previous tasks had become a game of follow my leader, without the usual decision making associated with gliding, allowing some pilots to piggy back off the more experienced field.  And with exhaustion already creeping in to Team GB, another five hour plus flight was going to be punishing. Right, boys and girls, this is it: there are only two more days of flying to go, so dig deep and keep on pushing. This is where you earn your stripes. You know you can do it...
Hopefully my words of encouragement might have helped.
Manfred Ruhmer - the man to beat

The return moony from the marshals

The launch window had been brought forward to 12pm midday, so by 10.30am we were en route for the airstrip.Our team was split at launch with Grant and Dave on Red launch and Gordon, Gary, Carl, Tony and Kathleen on Green launch. Today we were going to attempt to get some inflight photos and videos using Grants Muvi and GoPros belonging to Gary and myself. Once the gliders were rigged I set up Grants camera on the keel, a GoPro on Carls upright to get a mixture of angles, and unfortunately Gary's camera still refused to work. Oh well, two out of three isnt bad - lets hope they record something spectacular and  truly reflect the hustle and bustle of the gaggles.

A great looking sky

Carl gets his lucky hug from Michelle
Everyone got launched well and we were expecting to make an early departure from the airstrip when the radio crackled in to life:
Gary: "Any ideas why my glider has suddenly developed a serious left turn?"
Ben: "If in any doubt, please land immediately. We will sort it out on the ground and get you a relight – you have time to make the first start gate".
Gordon: "Stand up in the a-frame, unzip the under-surface and check nothing is caught on hangie bit..." 
With the skies above the airfield as crowded as ever, and the chance of a pilot slipping irreversibly through the a-frame in his harness, I would not necessarily recommend that particular manoeuvre! Thankfully Gary went for the first option.

Gary adjusting wing tip
As soon as Gary landed Trudy was there, Leatherman at the ready, to help check the glider and make some adjustments. Very quickly he was ready to fly again and I got him a tow slot ten places back from the front of the queue as per the competition rules. Getting on the launch trolley Gary suddenly asked "Did I adjust the right wing tip?". Eeks, I hope so. As he towed away and then released he came over the radio to say that all was well. Good, on to the task then guys...

Carl on tow
Carl climbing above Forbes Airfield
With such a mammoth task, it was highly likely that the first gliders would not be back until six hours later, landing around 7pm. Based on the experience of the last week, if our pilots got a half decent start then there was a good chance that the vast majority of them would make goal - driving after them around the whole course would be a complete waste of time and resources, with Steve's truck doing the same miles per gallon as a tank. So, Steve picked a place somewhere in the middle of the course circuit near Bogan to maximise radio coverage, with instructions to telephone me with any news,  while I based myself in Forbes town, catching up with some organisational issues - and no, that did not include going to the pool! 

As I busied myself with the various Team Manager tasks first at the Mezzanine Coffee Shop, and then later at HQ.  I was getting the occasional crackle of information over the radio from the pilots - it seemed that everyone was still flying. Good. 

Carl climbing in company

A small gaggle
Later in the afternoon, I could see from the live tracking (some of the pilots were carrying the tracking devices) that Jonny Durand had made Turn Point 1 and 2 and was on his way to 3. Time to go back to the airfield then, with only Turnpoint 4 and a final Goal leg to go. With a quick call to Trudy who was having a relaxing time at the pool (me, jealous?) I arranged to pick her up so that we could wait for the goal arrival at the airstrip clubhouse.

By 5pm I was sitting on he clubhouse veranda, sipping a cool drink, and now listening to intermittent transmissions from the team. Everyone was still flying, with Gordon making excellent progress in the lead gaggle with Manfred Ruhmer and Christian Clech. Carl, Dave and Grant were not far behind, with Tony and Kath just a few more kilometres back from them. Once again the anticipation started bubbling away. Dare I believe that today was going to be the day that we got a task win? Come on Gordon, you can do it.... It was certainly looking likely that a good team result was on the cards.

10km from Turn Point 4.... 5km from Turn Point.... Turn Point 4 at 6000'.... 25km from goal.... Here we go, the last glides and climb before that all so important decision - when do I start my final glide in to goal? When the instrument indicates that a 15:1 glide ratio? Or perhaps a 12:1 glide ratio? Depending on what air is thought to be like on that final glide, a pilot may choose to go on the glide needing a higher glide ratio if the air is thought to be bouyant, but if he wants to make sure of making it in to goal, then a lower number will mean that if you hit bad air, then you have a better chance of making it in.

Gordon: "10:1 indicated at 9 km out - on final glide..."  Oh my goodness. This is it. Ground and support crew were arriving in the goal field, all staring north west towards the last turn point at Bogan. Nail biting stuff. 7km out... 5km... 3km... 

The waiting ground and support crew
"GLIDER!" One of the support crew yelled out, pointing to a glider that looked low just above the trees, and about 3km out. No-one could see the colour or markings. Who was it? Someone said Gordon.... another said Manfred.... the tension was unbearable. The pilot must also have been having a bit of a moment. From where we were all standing it looked like, after six hours flying and 270km covered that the pilot was going to land short....

Ground effect

Whoever it was, everyone in the goal field. whatever nationality,  was willing the pilot 
on, desperately wanting him to make goal. It was clear now that it wasn't Gordon, but Christian Clech from Italy. As he approached the final fence line in to the paddock at around thirty feet (yes, you read that correctly) and with 100m to go, he suddenly hit some bad air and lost a few precious feet, just skimming over the top of the fence. Pulling  more speed towards the ground he then got down in to ground effect, gliding on just about two feet off the deck towards the goal line, squeezing every last drop of performance out of his glider. To a huge roar and applause from the waiting crowd, he just about made it over the line with inches to spare, landing only a few feet further on. Wow! What a finish! I have never seen anything quite like that in all my time flying - quite  remarkable! Bravo Christian!
Christian just males it over the line to win the day

Looking back North we could see two further gliders coming in very low. Gordon came on the radio:
"Very low - not sure I am going to make it..." 
As the first of the two made it over the line, I could now identify Gordon coming towards us one field away and at about fifty feet above the ground. All he needed was some good air to keep making it in.

Gordon approaching the paddock low
"WInd South West, less than 5mph". With a slight cross headwind I advised him to head for the left edge of the goal line, which would effectively making the wind more of a crosswind which would help him  over the line. Go on Gordon, you can do it!
As a cruel blow to his valiant efforts, the wind picked up just as he came over the fence to the paddock.

Gordon down less than 100m from goal after 270km
And that was it. Within a stones throw from the goal line and he was down. I could not believe it, and nor could anyone else witnessing his heroic attempts to. We were all gutted for him - everyone watching had been urging him over the line. Goodness knows what he must have been feeling at that moment.

As a few other gliders made it in to goal, Gordon was straight on the radio: "Gordon down 100m from goal line. Left last climb with a 10:1 - you need better to make it in".That a boy, Gordon, helping to get your team mates in. Grant and Carl were scrabbling for lift a few kilometres away, trying to get the required glide ratio to goal.

"Carl on a 10:1 glide to goal". Uh oh.
"Grant  on a 9:1 glide to goal - better here Carl". Yes, yes, yes!
The two of them were flying very close together. I could now see them some 3km out gliding in. 
"Looking good guys - you re going to make it in from there..."

Grant (left) and Carl on final glide

A formation finish
As they approached the edge of the field flying in formation I could hardly contain my excitement. Pulling on speed towards the line, the boys came screaming in together over the line. Fantastic! As they both banked sharply to the left I thought they had misheard the wind speed direction.
"Land towards the sun, land towards the sun..." Turning back in to wind they made a perfect landing just a few feet away. I ran over to them to congratulate them on their superb achievement - man-hugs all round! I will go and get the goal beers then...

Carl and Grant celebrate with a goal beer
Unfortunately the rest of the team, like anyone else coming down course a little while later, could not make a any further progress. The conditions had switched off. Tony was down at the last turn point, Kath was about 25 km from goal, while Gary and Dave landed near to each other some 22km from goal. Still an amazing performance on an incredibly challenging task.

Scores are now up.
Grant has made it up to 8th overall, with Gordon 16th, Gary 21st, Carl 25th, Tony 47th, Dave 53rd and Kathleen 73rd. One more day to go. I am pretty sure it will be a big task again. Come on Team GB, we are now 4th, lets get a podium finish....

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Tuesday 15th January 2013: Crowded skies

Task 8, Day 9

Waking up to blue skies and light winds I wondered if maybe we would get the closed circuit flight that we were all hoping for - perhaps a triangle flight landing back at Forbes? It would certainly make life easier for both retrieve drivers and pilots if after a long flight, the journey home consisted of a ten minute drive back in to Forbes town, rather than three hours of driving along tarmac and gravel roads, with the threat of kangaroos jumping out in front of you.

 Briefing started with the much anticipated summary of the Task 5 airspace issue which had caused some pilots to be disqualified for that particular task. Davis, the Meet Director, summarised the situation and then asked for John Aldridge, the CIVL Jury Member, to explain the correct process for protests. Apparently CIVL had received a protest from a pool of countries , where as an individual or a country can make a protest, but not on behalf of other individuals or nations. The Italian team were obviously unhappy with the process. Passions were running high, as can be expected when sportsmen and women are competing for the highest accolade - it will all come out in the wash once the proper protest procedures are followed.

After yesterdays goal-fest, none of the British Pilots wanted an "early bird" launch lottery for Task 8. With light southerly winds forecast in a "blue day" (ie no nice fluffy Cumulus to mark the lift), a 184km triangle flight was set: first a 57km South West leg to Marsde, then a 51km leg South East to Bribar, before turning North back to Forbes Airstrip some 85km away, making a total of 192.3km. That's better, no long retrieve.

Our post-briefing team discussion touched on the fact that we are getting incredibly close to winning a task, often leading out in the front gaggle, thereby winning lead points, but frustratingly not pulling a win out of the bag.  Analysing the situation, the pilots agreed to try a change in tactic to see if things improved.

As we arrived at the airfield, I stopped to say good morning to our sign-bearing gate marshals - Carl had suggested the previous day that we could perhaps display a message back but what got in to Gary's  head to make him drop his trousers and press his cheeks against the window I will never know. I just wish I had the camera pointed the other way to catch Trudy's face. Moving on swiftly.

Like a well oiled machine, all my pilots were rigged and ready to launch by the window open time of 12.30pm, with the first start gate at 2.15pm. Carl and Dave had kindly agreed to have GoPros mounted on their gliders so I set them up, ready to capture the busy skies. As Carl was third off the tow, he was quickly on the trolley and about to launch - unfortunately the GoPro wouldnt fire up in to life, something which also happened to the second camera on Daves glider. What a shame - I will try again tomorrow (a subsequent check found that Gary's GoPro was minus a memory card, and the battery of mine had become misaligned - all fixed now).

The ground crew were, as usual, fantastically efficient in getting everyone airborne quickly and safely. The conditions were less turbulent than the previous day which Tug Chief Steve McCarthy had described as the most challenging he had ever towed in. Soon all our pilots, bar Kathleen who had a late launch slot, had successfully towed and were now climbing well above the airborne.

And then it was Kathleens turn. 

True to the run of bad luck at launch that Kath had suffered on previous days, something just had to go wrong. If you have a weak stomach, turn away now. This is what happens when you get towed up through a Dust Devil. I don't know how she hung on to the tow - in fact, I genuinely thought the weak link had broken. Take a look at the video - at the end you will get a glimpse of the Dusty swirling near to the camera....

How about a Day Prize for the most entertaining tow?

And so the task began. As a closed circuit task, there was no need to send two vehicles down track to chase our gaggle of gliders. Based on their current performance, it was highly likely that all our team would make it round the course. Steve drove off to find a position in the middle of the triangle where he could maintain good radio communications and be placed geographically where he could reach the turn points easily. 

I had a few errands to run in town before I was to make my way back to the airfield for the Goal Line finish. I dropped past the tyre garage where Tony and his crew had already put a new tyre on the wheel which they swapped for the space-saver spare that I had been driving on for two days. With a couple of hours to kill before the gliders anticipated return, I took a leaf out of some of the other retrieve drivers book, and went for a quick refreshing dip at the local swimming pool. Me, feel guilty, leaving Steve to swelter in his truck? Ok, just a bit, but as someone who normally flies competitions (and thankfully has one of, if not the best retrieve drivers), I was merely learning from more experienced retrieve drivers than myself... honest. 

Listening to the radio as I ate my Maccy D lunch it was, like yesterday, clear that the course was being flown very quickly, especially by the Brits. I also heard several comments about how busy the gaggles were, even 150km down track - normally by this stage of a task the field has spread out enough for there to be ample separation between pilots. Unbelievably, Grant had a wing tip collision with another glider, leaving him shaken but not stirred.

Gary was making excellent progress along with the rest of the team, so I quickly texted Trudy, his partner, to see if she wanted to come out to goal.
"OK, am at pool. Will run back to motel. C u there".
Right, off to pick Trudy up and then on to the airfield.

With an estimated twenty minutes before the first pilots arrived back, we dropped in to the Forbes Soaring and Aeroclub clubhouse where all the ground and tug crews were having a well earned break after their tireless efforts during the hottest part of the day.

 As Gary radioed that he was 15km from goal we went out in to the paddock to perform the usual retrieve routine of staring down track, hoping to glimpse one of our gliders first.
A few kilometres away we could see a huge gaggle of gliders getting a last climb before going on final glide to the airfield. Soon enough the sky was filled with gliders racing towards us.

The lead gaggle approaches goal

Two gliders race for the line
Once again,  I was willing one of our team to be the first in, but, as has happened on so many occasions, it was Manfred Ruhmer (AUT) who came swooping in first.  Two other gliders were having a spectacular race, just about making it over the goal line with enough height to turn back in to wind and land.

Gary crosses the line...

Gary (13th) was the first Brit to come steaming in, again with only just enough height to make a safe landing. A great effort! All we needed now were two more pilots to come in quickly ahead of the competition to make up a good team score...
.. and lands
...turns in to wind...

Carl (27th), Grant (29th) and Gordon (31st)  were the next Brits in, followed by Dave (51st) and (Tony (56th). With only Kathleen to go, we were looking good for a "full house" once again. After a while, Gordon spotted what he thought was a glider with the right colours coming in. Sure enough, it was Kath (63rd). After such a roller coaster start on the tow, it was really good to see her come in to goal for the second day in a row.
Tony landing

Carl in goal

Dave landing 

Gliders in goal at Forbes Airstrip

Forbes Airstrip at sunset
 With only two more tasks to go, it is going to be increasingly challenging to make up individual and team places. But, it is not over until it is over, and with the team scores showing that we only need a few hundred points on our competitors to make up some positions, it is all to play for.

I have funny feeling that tomorrow will bring even more fun and games concerning protests, airspace and crowded skies....